This is written in stream of consciousness.....Reader beware Im sooo Tangential
So the ongoing discussion of the differences between men and women has been plaguing me lately
It seems as is
people believe we can resolve those differences and I say we cant
Its a useles conversation
It wont go anywhere.
I am not suggesting we shouldnt discuss our differences but
we have been proceeding the wrong way
Wheneve a man asks me
"valencia why do women always blah blah blah?"
No matter what I say It wont make sense to him
And I ask a man "hey man How come yall always blah blah blah?"
I am just as perpelexed as I was before
We need to understand there are just some differences that arent going away
I think the differences start with perhaps the way we see the world
I do beleive we have some structural differences
some chemical differences
but what about where we pee from?
So I had to go back and remember the early days with my vagina
I dont know if this happens to little boys
but I remember as a little girl wondering exactly where the dam pee was coming from
it seemed to be a hell of a lot going on down there
i dont remember how old I was
I remember being old enpugh to be embarrassed to i started to feel around down therenot in a masterbatory way just kinda fiddling around in an attempt
to find out where the pee was coming from
I found a lot of cool things while I felt around and today I know just how cool vaginas really are
I mean 30,000 nerver ending in the the clitoris
30,000 or more thats cool as hell,the same amount of nerve ending in a mans entire penis and we have it all clustered in that small space,so intense,I kinda wonder why so many men forget about the clit I mean if I was a man Id spend all my time right there blowing my mind lol
but I digress
so I never found the uretha from feeling around,
so I grabbed my mothers make up mirro and posted up on the side of the bathtub and had a look.....
All of the additional anatomy we have going on down there ladies should serious be taught
in a class
There are grown women walking around who havent looked down there and think they urinate out of the vaginal entrance
so anyway I say all this to say exploring my vagina or my vageye na has shaped how I see the world and I beleive many women would agree
we learn about the world and experience through what we feel and when thats not enough we look inside and investigate
men on the other hand
can see where their pee comes from
so maybe thats way the dont always look deep into things the way we do and they learn and experience the world through what is tangfible and what they really can see...Im halway being humourous and half serious
I think we just need to respect each other and accept our differences.
The ideal man for me dosent complain that Im sensitive or fickle he would adore and appreciate it as part of my feminity
and for me I have learned to not expect men to be as intuiutive as I am, I wont tell him "you should know"
cause he may not know
or just beleive him when I ask him what hes thinking and he says nothing.
hes probably telling the truth
So Im not gonna change Ill keep seeing the world through my Vageyena
Stay tuned for part II I will be actually interviewing a vagina..she answers all your questions and emails folks
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