At Night
darkness yawns,covers the sky
and I
Rather than making love in my bed
I text
and email,
do homework
read books
watch Law & Order
Listen to the slow jams singing R&B hooks
reminiscing on a time when I believed
that the ideal love was real
Alexander O'Neil
*If you were here tonight*
or en vogue
*many say I'm to young.........but Im giving him something he can feel*
for sure by this time in my life at night
you would be here
I wouldn't have thoughts
bouncing through my brain hemispheres
like cirque de soleil
you be here to say and stay
and do
what could take that away
but anyway
at night
everything going on instead of you
inside me to quiet my anxieties
you are the cure
at night
yes, i do have a bullet
and various other adult accouterments
you know adult toys?
like If I was just looking to rock the spot between my thighs
I could gone head and busy
spurt gush
sapsm or nut
it could be done
what about being cheek to cheek
at night
playfully fighting over cover
at night
soothing each other
put the laptops to the side
rebooting each other lol
at night
laying face to face
and you could delicately
the mussed hair out of my face
and erase
each trace
rid me of the entropy and decay heaped upon me by the days events
and I to you
what a way to have the night spent
your turn to pick the incense
we might as well since were
awake at night
to restore
relieve and
growing closer you and I as the darkness succumbs to the morning light
better able to face the day
cuz love,
at night
1 comment:
Oh my god, I had to spell that out especially when you mentioned Aleander Oneil
I mean mean mean 4real
I was just talking about him the other day
That man with the pump waves kept my betty boop panties moisturized
Yeah he was fine.
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